Alcester War Memorial Town Hall


The Hall is held in Trust for the people of Alcester as a Village Hall and is not a municipal building. It is situated at the junction of Henley Street, Church Street and Butter Street, and provides the Town with important Function Rooms.

The lower storey of the Town Hall was built circa 1618 by the then Lord of the Manor, Sir Fulke Greville, as an open market, replacing the original market cross. It was later filled in to form a covered market, which also contained the town "lock-up", the door of which is preserved and can be seen in the lower room (Jurors Hall). Also to be seen in the Hall are the Town Stocks. The upper room (Bailiffs Hall), with its outstanding hammerbeam roof has remained largely as it was constructed in 1641.

Following a public meeting in 1919, the building was purchased on behalf of the people of Alcester for £620. from the Marquess of Hertford, to serve as a memorial to the men from Alcester who gave their lives in the First World War. A plaque to this effect can be seen on the wall facing The Holly Bush Inn, unveiled in 1938. The administration of the Hall at this time was entrusted to the High Bailiff during his term of office.


The Hall is now administered as a Charity and is run by a committee of Trustees and Townspeople who are duly elected each year. The committee has been responsible for extensive renovations in recent years, leaving the Hall in very good shape.

The upper room (Bailiffs Hall) and lower room (Jurors Hall) are available for hire together or seperately.

The upper room is a splendid venue for wedding receptions, celebration parties and for local Dinner Dances etc.


Please see our website for more information, hire charges, to book the hall on-line, to download a booking request form, and access the diary of events.


The upper room measures 14M * 7.5M. There are 110 chairs provided, a number of tables of various sizes, a small amount of staging and a piano.

The lower room measures 8M * 6.25M. There are 44 chairs provided.

Each floor has it's own kitchen. The lower room having bar facilities.

There are Bar and Catering facilities available when required.

Wheelchair access is limited to the Ground Floor due to the nature and antiquity of the building, although there is a stair lift provided (booking required) for those who have difficulty climbing the stairs.

Bookings must allow for the time to set up and clear away

We are able to advise on local food catering providers for your event

Tables and chairs for over 100 people are included

Ample Free car parking is available in the Town car parks


The Booking Secretary is Mrs. Marian Buchanan. Tel:- 01789 400868


Members of the Management Committee

  • Chair: Susan Juned,
  • Secretary: Kay Blake,
  • Treasurer: Vaughan Blake,
  • High Bailiff: David Henderson,

Plus 12 other Townspeople, making up the Management Committee.

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    If you contact Alcester War Memorial Town Hall please tell them you found them using

    Contact Name:Marian Buchanan
    Address:Alcester War Memorial Town Hall is located at . . . Church Street
    B49 5AJ
    Telephone:01789 400868

    Page created by johnross
    Last edited at 09/10/2020 21:57:57
    H:[29971] - CI:-1*29971