Alcester Christmas Lights


A.C.L formerly known as Alcester Bunting & Lighting Executive or A.B.L.E. was originally an off-shoot from Alcester Chamber of Trade. Although ABLE remains as our titl for banking arrangements, we have found that Alcester Christmas Lights best represents what we actually do which is to provide Christmas Lights for the town as well as erecting bunting for the annual Street Market, Folk Festival, Open Gardens Day and other festive occasions as they arise.

A.C.L. consists of a small committee of volunteers and other than an annual grant from Alcester Town Council, we are entirely self funding (for our general operations) by our own fund raising activities. The principal one of which is the Duck Race which has now become an annual feature in the town calendar.

In recent years, A.C.L has completely refurbished and extended the Christmas Lighting arrangements with capital finance from Stratford District Council, Alcester Town Council, Church Street Property Trust, private donations and fund raising so that the lights are compliant with all the latest standards.

Should anyone wish to be involved with us, please make use of the contact details given.

    If you contact Alcester Christmas Lights please tell them you found them using

    Page created by flurble
    Last edited at 18/01/2009 19:46:58
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