White Hart Morris Men

The White Hart Morris Men are a Cotswold Morris Dance side. We welcome new members, dancers and musicians, at any time. No previous dance experience is necessary, but musicians should be reasonably adept at playing their chosen instrument, eg pipe and tabor, violin, concertina, etc. We perform at pubs, folk festivals, fetes and for private functions throughout the year: (but not every week end and only if you are available!). We meet at The Holly Bush, Henley St.,Alcester, every Monday night at 8:30pm for practice except for some Monday nights during the summer when we are dancing at another pub or at a festival. For our programme and further details, or for bookings, see our web site www.whitehartmorrismen.info or contact Tom Neale on 07900 320817 or 01527 894631.

    If you contact White Hart Morris Men please tell them you found them using alcester.co.uk.

    Contact Name:White Hart Morris Men
    Address:The Holly Bush, Henley St, Alcester, B49 5QX
    Telephone:07900 320817
    Telephone 2:01527 894631

    Page created by whmmen
    Last edited at 08/03/2011 09:33:01
    H:[7567] - CI:-1*7567