Coughton Lodge B&B

Great Accommodation

A grade II listed building, Coughton Lodge is tastefully developed from the old Coughton Court agents office, and adjoining half-timbered stables.

The rooms are situated around an interior water garden and afford a high degree of privacy for the occupants.

Ample parking provided

    If you contact Coughton Lodge B&B please tell them you found them using
    Contact Name:Graham Cooke
    Address:Lodge, Birmingham Road, Coughton, Alcester, Warwickshire
    B49 5HU
    Telephone:+44 (0)1789 764600
    Telephone 2::+44 (0) 7887763951
    Fax:+44 (0)1789 400150

    Page created by supercooke
    Last edited at 08/05/2012 17:47:17
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