ACT - Alcester Community against Tetra

Tetra is a new microwave radio communication system for the police and other emergency services. It uses an unusual type of microwave radio technology and a rapidly increasing body of evidence is pointing towards it being a major health hazard both for the users and those living near the many masts. We have formed ACT (Alcester Community against Tetra) to raise awareness of the unresolved health issues regarding this new technology and to get the roll out of Tetra halted nationally, not just locally, until everyone can be assured of its safety.

Please visit our website and see how Tetra will affect you, and what you can do.

    If you contact ACT - Alcester Community against Tetra please tell them you found them using

    Page created by mikew
    Last edited at 16/03/2004 10:39:34
    H:[4358] - CI:-1*4358