Alcester Junior Drama Club and Youth Theatre

Alcester Junior Drama and Youth Theatre

Produces one main show a year. We rehearse from September up until the first week of February when the show is usually staged. Then after a short break we hold a varying number of workshops each year during the Spring and Summer months.

All children between the ages of 6 and 16 are welcome to join in the clubs activities. Our productions are well prepared and we expect a high standerd and commitment from those performing. We do have a few rules but these are for the safety of the children and the equipment we use.

Children must not go onto the stage unless told they can do so, and never without an adult.

No one is allowed out of the rehersal rooms unless specifically told they can do so. This also applies to the Green Room during performances.

Fire procedures will be explained during rehearsals, we will have practices with and without costumes.

About The Club

We meet on Monday evenings in the Main Hall at the Greig Centre from 6.00pm - 8.00pm. Rehearsals are weekly from September until the performance (we do not normally meet during school holidays). Subscriptions are £3 weekly.

The Summer workshops are also on Monday evenings and usually run for 10 weeks but the start dates vary from year to year. They are a more relaxed format and children are welcome to come to any or all of them. Letters will be sent to notify any interested club members.

The Performances...

We consider very carefully who will be given speaking parts. To this end the first few rehearsals for the main production will involve as many of the children who wish to read fpr speaking parts---unfortunately this makes them look a little chaotic! But it is important that we do this so that every child has a chance for the parts they are interested in.

If any child does not wish to try for a speaking part that is fine too. All of the children who wish to will have an opportunity to be in the production.---Everybody is important whether they are singing, dancing or acting.

We expect commitment from all our members,if you have a speaking part you need to attend as many rehearsals as you can. Before you take a part be sure that you are available for the show dates, as well as the technical and dress rehearslas.

Costumes, Props Etc.

The club provides all costumes and props for productions. Obviously we expect them to be returned at the end of the performance.

How Do I Join?

Just come along to a rehearsal or workshop if you know they are on. We normally try to get publicity in the local press. You can also contact the Greig Centre on (01789) 400073, who will know the date we are due to start rehearsing again.

What Else Do We Do?

We try to organise a visit to the theatre locally each year. We have also organised back-stage tours at the RSC and Swan Theatres. We join in with town events like the annual street market and the Winter Concert at the Greig Centre.


Are £3 weekly. Special clothing or footwear is not generally required. We try to partly subsidies trips to the theatre. Obviously there are considerable costs involved in staging the main show every year. Wherever possible though we use any excess to buy new sound or stage equipment and costumes.


The adults who run Alcester Junior Drama put a great deal of time and effort into the club. We always need extra help, even if it is just for show nights. If you feel you would like to join in we would be very glad to hear from you.

Alcester Junior Drama Club


Youth Theatre

The children's club with a grow up reputation!

Linda Chadwick

Linda Randell

Julie Styles


    If you contact Alcester Junior Drama Club and Youth Theatre please tell them you found them using

    Contact Name:Linda Chadwick
    Address:Yew Tree Cottage Broom Warwickshire
    B50 4HR
    Telephone:(01789) 490681

    Page created by Chadwick
    Last edited at 30/05/2006 23:56:27
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