Merry Wives

Merry Wives of Alcester


Merry Wives is a local society inviting speakers from all walks of life with an interesting talk or story to entertain our group of about 30 ladies of all ages.  Speakers, often professional,  bring visual information such as slides and artifacts with them.  We meet every alternative Tuesday evening held at The Methodist Church, Alcester at 8pm.  After the talk which lasts approximately 1 hour, coffee and tea are served and visitors can socialise in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Recent talks have included the entertaining "Honey I Poisoned Your Lunch" by Louvain Beer, an imaginative flower arrangement demonstration by Sonia Buesing and not forgetting the very interesting talk on the history of Alcester's "Church House" currently under restoration by Richard Osborne.

Come along and bring your friends for a lively evening out -

Forthcoming events Spring 2012

10 Jan              Beetle Drive

25 Jan              Working at Buntings                Maggie Payne

7 Feb               Antartica (with slides)             Margaret Noyce                    

21 Feb             The Perfect Capsule Wardrobe   Caroline Walton  

6 March           AGM & Faith Supper                                                        

20 March          The Hugely Huggable History of Teddybears  Dr Gillian White

3 April              To be confirmed

17 April            Birthday Meal                            Venue to be arranged

   Meetings: £2.50 members    £3.00 non-members

  Annual Membership: £5.00

For further details contact: Annabelle Duncan on 01789 488220


    If you contact Merry Wives please tell them you found them using

    Contact Name:Annabelle Duncan
    Telephone:01789 488220

    Page created by merrywives
    Last edited at 22/02/2012 14:46:32
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